Saturday, July 26, 2008


well the count down is week from today the boxes will be gone and the girls, kramer and i will be one our way to missouri!! we are a little nervous about leaving the house empty but with school starting august 25 we need to get down there and get settled . please pray it sells soon. we have only had 4 showings in 7 weeks...ugh.
we have been busy tying up loose ends....getting last hair cuts, updating dog vaccinations, packing up and saying goodbyes....but we are all looking forward to being together in one place.

another bit of good news!! ashley has decided to go to missouri state which is in springfield she will be in the same town as us and we will get to see her alot more than we thought we would. i am sure she will be over to do laundry and have some home cooked meals....i think i can bribe her with those two things :)

i cant believe how quickly the summer is going. i hate seeing the school supplies in the stores already. i feel like we have missed june and july with getting ready for the move. oh well we will still have about a month and a half to enjoy the pool and i think fall with be gorgeous in our back yard with all the trees.....i cant wait to sit on my deck and just do nothing...haha....i have big plans dont i? time you are in the ozarks stop in and see us. i will make some tea and we can sit on the deck :)

love you all

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