Thursday, March 29, 2007

Catching up on the Clays

Well again Jonathan has motivated me to get going with the whole blog thing. After monthes of checking everyones blogs and reading the same thing over and over,(except the Bakers and Grammie..thank you) I have decided to start again. I will try to keep up with it.

Well now I will try to catch you up with what has been happening in the Clay's life since we last talked:

*Ashley has decided on evangel university in Missouri as her place of higher education...maybe her and cousin Jarid will make some memories

*Kaylee is continuing to work with her personal trainer and puts us all to shame

*I have been working full time as the assistant directoer of nursing at the nursing home in New Albany. It leaves little time for much else but I am enjoying it. ( I am filling in for some one on medical leave)

*Doug has been spreading church health thru Ohio and doing a great job. His wisdom in new areas is amazing and definelty God directed

Ash and Kay both have jobs now..Ash works at BlockBuster and really loves it...I love the free movies :) Kay has two is at a daycare after school every day and the other babysitting on a weekly basis for a couple families here in the neighborhood. She loves kids and is just great with them. She also does not like to be without money so that is a big motivator.

*Kay and Doug are going to Puerto Rico for spring break,...Ash has play practice...Alladin with the Columbus Children's Theater..and I have to work. Kay convinced Dad that it wasn't fair that she had to miss her spring break because of her mom and sis

Well I guess that will do for now..we are so excited about the new babies coming our way...thanks Jeremy and Amy and Rob and Betsy!!

Love to All